Taitokerau Northland Destination Management Plan (TNDMP) Executive Summary
An Executive Summary of the full plan.
To enhance the value of our visitor experiences in collaboration with iwi, hapū and stakeholders, for the benefit of our communities, businesses, the environment, and future generations.
Taitokerau Northland has been an extraordinary meeting place over centuries. It is steeped in rich cultural history, is a place of spiritual significance and the birthplace of modern Aotearoa New Zealand. Visitors have been drawn to this region to explore and experience our people and place. While we are home to many of Aotearoa New Zealand’s cultural and natural icons, Northland still has many stories to be told and places yet to be discovered.
Our Taitokerau Northland Destination Management Plan (TNDMP) outlines our hopes for how we evolve as a destination going forward, balancing the need for better management of our high-profile visitor attractions with developing further opportunities within our region.
This plan is designed to be a living document, unique to Taitokerau Northland and has been co-created through the partnership of Te Au Mārie Sestercentennial Trust, Te Hiringa Trust & Business Promotions, Northland Inc. and Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) Taitokerau. The Global shift into Destination Management for the visitor industry takes an inclusive, strategic approach which supports participation across communities, industries, education, agencies, local and central government, aiming for alignment to create better management of the wellbeing of the region, its people and visitors.
There are seven over-arching focus areas of the plan, which associated actions sit under. These focus areas are: Insights, Leadership, Infrastructure, Capability, Product Development, Environmental Stewardship and Marketing.
The TNDMP is guided and implemented by a Leadership Advisory Group and Working Group, made of members from organisations across Taitokerau.