Northland Inc is a council-controlled organisation, owned by Northland Regional Council (NRC), along with shareholders Far North District Council (FNDC) and Kaipara District Council (KDC). This joint shareholding structure enables Northland Inc to deliver as Taitokerau Northland’s Regional Economic Development Agency and Regional Tourism Organisation in the post COVID environment, and also to continue our positive working relationship with Whangārei District Council through their continued funding and partnership.

Northland Inc works with organisations, institutions, iwi and hapū in Taitokerau Northland and public and private sectors with a common purpose to identify and focus on those activities and relationships that will strengthen, diversify, and grow our economy to help support strong communities and environmental sustainability.
As the region where Te Tiriti o Waitangi – The Treaty of Waitangi was founded, we strive to respect and integrate principals which support meaningful partnership with Māori. We mahi alongside strategic partners in the Māori Economic Development space, with a specific focus on improving capacity and capability of those who we partner with for delivery.
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