Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi requires Northland Inc to develop meaningful partnership with Māori in Te Tai Tokerau. We are focused on building and enhancing our Māori relationships in Te Tai Tokerau to identify opportunities which deliver sustainable economic growth for our whānau, hapū and iwi. We support by Māori for Māori initiatives which recognise the mana Motuhake of Māori enterprises and collectives to lead their own economic success.
The regional aspiration is to establish an equitable economic platform which enhances Māori participation in the Northland economy and enables whānau, hapū and iwi to be economically secure and to grow their wealth.
Partnering with other government and local initiatives Northland Inc’s Māori economic development approach will give regard to the following documents and includes our mahi on a variety of projects;
- He Tāngata, He Whenua, He Oranga - The Tai Tokerau Māori Growth Strategy developed by the Tai Tokerau Iwi CEOs Consortium 2015.
- He Kai Kei Āku Ringa 2012 (the Crown-Māori joint strategy for Māori economic development); and
- Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan 2019
- Taitokerau Northland Destination Management Plan which has been co-created through the partnership of Te Au Mārie Sestercentennial Trust, Te Hiringa Trust & Business Promotions, Northland Inc. and Te Puni Kōkiri (TPK) Taitokerau.
- Our partnership with Te Hiringa Trust to deliver services for the Regional Business Partnership
- We are working with four Iwi who have growing sites as part of the Northland Peanut Trial Project
Northland Inc is also facilitating the development of a long term economic development strategy for the region Te Ōhanga Rautaki Whānui o Te Tai Tokerau in partnership with local and central government, Te Tai Tokerau iwi and hāpu, regional communities and industry.