The Kaipara District has a long history of food production. Through its abundant harbour, seas, lakes, forests and more recently livestock farming and vegetable growing. According to local iwi, Kaipara was historically seen as a ‘Garden of Eden. The primary food sector is the major employer in Kaipara.
Project Overview
Kaipara Kai was established as part of the greater Kaipara KickStart programme of works led by Kaipara District Council to grow the district’s economy and increase community wellbeing. The programme of work is supported by the government’s Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit, with funding from the Provincial Growth Fund. As part of Kaipara Kai, Northland Inc was contracted by KDC to establish and operate a Kaipara Kai Hub, an on-the-ground service centre. The centre, opened in March 2020 and provided local food producers with a physical location to access information and build connections. The Hub was funded to operate until June 2021.
For more information about the Kaipara Kai project, visit the Kaipara Kai section of the Kaipara District Council website
Northland Inc is still active in the Kaipara region through the Peanut Trial projects, and as site managers for the Kaipara Water demonstration sites.