Pūtake Whakatupu - Nov 24 Workshop Presentation
A copy of the powerpoint presentation delivered at the Pūtake Whakatupu workshop series across Northland in November 2024.
Launched in 2024, Pūtake Whakatupu - which translates to Foundation for Growth - is the primary workstream under the Tuputupu Grow Northland Initiative. This transformative project aims to identify, support and develop land use and value-add manufacturing opportunities in Taitokerau Northland.
This project focuses on supporting and developing both existing and new land uses, the development of in region value-add primary sector manufacturing, and commercialising new primary sector products and services. A key aspect of this programme is partnering with Māori to support their aspirations through a by Māori, for Māori approach.
As the inaugural project under the Tuputupu Grow Northland initiative, Pūtake Whakatupu is funded in partnership with the Ministry for Primary Industries’ Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund and the Joint Regional Economic Development Committee.
Pūtake Whakatupu will involve in-depth engagement with key stakeholders, including landowners, local farmers, growers, and associated manufacturing sectors. The project will undertake the development of a series of Market Opportunity Reports that assess economic pathways for optimising land use and creating value-added products in the region.
A survey has been launched to enable interested parties to help us build a picture of the current primary industries and associated manufacturing landscape in Northland.
The survey is open now and interested parties are invited to take part.
Following the survey, four workshops will be held across the region in November to facilitate further discussions and gather insights to feed into the Market Opportunity Reports.
Idea Incubator:
Workshops were an opportunity to share and explore ideas for new or alternative crops that have potential for further development along with ideas for value-add manufacturing.
Pūtake Whakatupu aims to help Northlanders create greater value from our primary and associated manufacturing sectors while collaborating closely and supporting landowners, iwi, and hapū.
The project is working to:
The Pūtake Whakatupu project will:
A list of datasets, resources and information for interested parties. See more