Deb Harding
Growth Advisor
Ko Deb Harding taku ingoa
I was born in Whangarei and raised in the communities of Ruakaka/Takahiwai and Kawakawa.
My marae are Takahiwai (Patuharakeke) and Karetu (Ngati Manu).
I have lived in Whangarei for over 25 years and currently reside in the Blue Goose area South Otaika.
My background in Business, Māori development, complements this growth advisor role which enables me to support Pakihi Māori to help grow their business aspirations and achievements. I acknowledge Te Hiringa Trust & Business Promotions who have partnered with Northland Inc. to deliver this important kaupapa for our small to medium businesses in Te Tai Tokerau.
If I’m not working or fulfilling voluntary community and hapu governance roles or spending time with whanau then I will most likely be involved in basketball!