Mahinga Innovation Centre Commemorates One Year Anniversary

Northland Inc is pleased to announce the one-year anniversary of the Mahinga Innovation Centre, located within the dynamic Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park in Kaikohe.
Yesterday, Innovation Centre tenants, along with iwi representatives, gathered to commemorate the milestone with a special celebration event, marked by a mihi and blessing from Albert Tana, kaumatua of Ngati Rangi.

Matua Albert Tana blesses one of the meeting rooms at Mahinga Innovation Centre
The event reflected the collaborative effort that has driven Mahinga's success over the past year, says Northland Inc Chief Executive Paul Linton:
"We are grateful for the support and partnership of all those who have contributed to Mahinga's journey to date, particularly our partners at Far North Holdings Limited and support from Ministry of Social Development. Through strategic partnerships and collaboration, Mahinga has emerged as a vital hub for driving economic growth and community development in the mid-North."
Mahinga Innovation Centre was established in partnership with Far North Holdings Limited, owners of Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park, to drive innovation and research initiatives, and foster collaboration between businesses, educational institutions, and research organisations in Northland.
However, Mahinga Innovation Centre has extended beyond meeting rooms, laboratory space, and hot-desking facilities, becoming a hub for community wellbeing during its first year of operation, says Linton.
“Mahinga is bustling, with the launch of Flo’s Café, and regular hui for Te Wananga o Aotearoa cohorts, the Centre has become a hub of connection and cultural revitalisation in Kaikohe. Hui (meetings) between central government and agencies invested in improving the North, from Te Whatu Ora and Department of Conservation, to the likes of Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services, Te Kahu o Taonui, and Work Ready, are regularly held on site. Mahinga has become the connection point for progress and collaboration in the mid-North.”
Innovation Centres are known to take several years before becoming self-sufficient, but the traction generated at Mahinga Innovation Centre in the first year sets the path for success. More importantly however, the centre has provided a world-class facility for Kaikohe which our local community can access, continues Linton.
“A centre like Mahinga, and the wider Ngawha Park, lift the aspirations of those who visit and use the park, showing our communities what they can do and what they deserve to be. The work underway here underscores Northland Inc’s efforts to create a prosperous and equitable region where our businesses and communities thrive”, says Linton.