Start Or Grow Your Business
in Taitokerau Northland

Taitokerau Northland boasts some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most valuable natural assets – a sub-tropical climate, fertile land and a coastline that is among the world’s most beautiful. It’s often these assets and the innovativeness of our people that sparks the idea for starting or growing a business (pakihi) here.

Here at Northland Inc, our role is to support the growth of a thriving economy. We do this by supporting our businesses to grow and promoting all that Taitokerau Northland can offer to those interested in investing here.


  1. To book your free Discovery Session with a Growth Advisor, all businesses need to be registered with the Regional Business Partnership Network (RBP).

  2. To complete your registration, you will need a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)

  3. Once you have that number, complete the registration process on the Regional Business Partnership (RBP) Network and they will allocate your business to our team. We'll be in touch to book your session.

Register your business on the RBP website

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The pick 2025
Taitokerau Northland's Business Ideas Competition is Back!

Turn your idea into something big this year! Enter The Pick and get the support, mentorship, and connections you need to bring your business concept to life.

Entry details coming soon.

See The Pick 2025 programme page for details

Book a Discovery Session with a 
GROWTH Advisor

Get BUSINESS Support
To achieve your goals

Whatever sector, size or stage your pakihi is at, we have a team of Growth Advisors who are ready to tautoko you in your next step.

Our Growth Advisors regularly travel around the rohe to meet business owners and kōrero about their needs and the tools that are available to support them. We customise the approach to ensure you have access to the knowledge, networks, training, funding or mentoring to suit your business.

Find out how we can help you:

See all business support

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Taitokerau Northland has a range of modern spaces and venues available where you can hire desk space, lab space and meeting rooms to support your business. The two centres managed by the Northland Inc team are the Mahinga Innovation Centre at Ngawha and the Orchard Business and Event Hub in Whangārei.

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Invest in

Taitokerau Northland is quickly developing a global reputation as a highly desirable place to invest, with unique competitive advantages across a range of industries and significant untapped productive potential.  

Our sights are firmly set on maximising the economic potential of all productive industries in the region. Get in touch to find out how we can help you invest here or find investors for your growing business. 

Get started now 

Key Sectors

Although underpinned by primary production and manufacturing, Taitokerau Northland's economy is diverse. High-performing sectors include pastoral farming and processing, horticulture, tourism, and marine manufacturing.

Find out how our sectors fare in the current economic landscape and gain access to a wide range of online resources to gain more insights into how they work.

Research our economy

1. Pastoral Farming

Pastoral Farming


Horticulture & Fruit Growing

3. International Education

International Education

Marine Sector 1

Marine Manufacturing

Tourism Manea


Digital Technology

Digital Technologies


Construction and Related Services

Media releases